POWDER Gameplay

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This page is to discuss frequent POWDER gameplay questions. Feel free to add new categories or improve the answers within categories. We might want to separate spoiler/non-spoiler issues at some point - for now assume everything to be possible spoiler.


There are many gods that will be the main audience during the adventure. Each has it's own likes and dis-likes and will likely smite you if you piss them off. Likes may include a "dress code", specific to each deity and reflective of the class they represent.

God Points

Picking "Pray" on the verb list shows a list of the gods, set up like this: God: n???? (n????) Like this: "No one God: 0 (0)" What are these numbers? Described in a newsgroup post. These numbers change depending on your actions. In a nutshell, the number on the right states the "quantity" of any action the god might do (heal you a little or a lot) and the number on the left states the chances of that god of taking action. If it's positive, the higher the more often he will intervene in your favor. If it's negative, the opposite is true.

no one god


  • Class: Adventurer
  • Stat gain: +5/+5



  • Class: Fighter
  • Stat gain: +15/+0

Dress Code Dressing like a fighter requires heavy armour:

  • Iron Helm
  • Tower Shield
  • Plate Mail
  • Iron Shoes

This results in getting regeneration



  • Class: Wizard
  • Stat gain: +0/+15

Dress Code Dressing like a wizard not only makes you look silly and please Belweir, it also accelerates your Mana regeneration.

  • Floppy Hat
  • Plain Robe
  • two rings
  • Pointed Slippers



  • Class: Rogue
  • Stat gain: +10/+5

Dress Code Dressing as a Rogue requires:

  • Leather Cap
  • Bow
  • Studded Leather Tunic
  • Hiking Boots



  • Class: Necromancer
  • Stat gain: +5/+10



  • Class: Barbarian
  • Stat gain: +20/+0



  • Class: Cleric
  • Stat gain: +10/+10

Dress Code Since Powder 079 it should be possible to dress as a Cleric. It might involve a book and amulet, but nothing is confirmed.



  • Class: Cultist
  • Stat gain: Based on faction with Xom.

Feared Monsters

Specific monsters that cause the most grief and ideas about what to do about them.


How do you avoid being turned into an object d'art?

  • Kill it from range - For this, you will need either to be fast, or preferably, to be able to jump, so you can keep your distance, and either spells, wands or a stack of thrown weapons large enough to kill it.
  • Amulet of Unchanging - This stops you from being petrified, but may be difficult to find.
  • Acid Potion - Drink while hardening to remove the effect. Can't drink potions if you're already full--if you are next to a wall, throw the potion at it and the splash damage will stop the stoning.
  • Polymorph - Polymorphing yourself cures you, and you won't keep on hardening after changing back into yourself. Polymorphing into something with unchanging can prevent hardening. Polymorphing the cockatrice may, at least temporarily, turn it to something easier to deal with (or it may not - I don't recommend using this, expect as a last resort).
  • Stone to flesh spell

Green Dragons

How do you avoid a quick death by poison?

  • Kill it from range - Green dragons are the only dragons without a breath weapon. See the entry on cockatrices.
  • Poison resistance - Even with poison resistance, the dragon's poison will deal about 30 points of damage, but by itself, that is not enough to kill most characters.
  • Spells - Cure poison will solve the problem, and Slow Poison can give you time so you can find a solution.
  • Polymorph - If you polymorph yourself, you will not suffer from the poison in your new form, but will have to deal with it once you change back to your original form. Also consider polymorphing the green dragon if you're about to be poisoned, and have no way to deal with it.

Water Elementals

Sure, you've killed the water elemental. But you still can't breathe!

  • Breathless - There are some artifacts that grant you this intrinsic. If you don't need oxygen, choking isn't a problem, is it?

Identifying Items

Many items can be identified relatively safely, without the use of an Identify scroll or spell.


The following potions may be identified by the following experimental dipping.

  • Greek fire - Dipping a long sword will cause it to catch fire. This only works for regular longswords, not silver. Will turn clubs into torches. May work on other wooden items such as crooks or wooden shields (unconfirmed).
  • Acid - Will destroy most any item dipped in. One way to remove cursed items that you'd rather wear.
  • Mana - Dipping wands or books will recharge them.
  • Poison - Will coat your item with slime. If you are going to poison a weapon with the intent to wield it, make sure it is equipped before dipping. Otherwise you will be poisoned upon equipping.
  • Cure - Dipping a poisoned item will remove the poison.
  • Holy or Cursed Water - Will change status of an item if not already the same as the water.


Use wands under under the following circumstances to identify.

Targeting an item

  • Polymorph - Great way to turn throwaway books into useful ones, same for scrolls, wands, etc.
  • Teleport - Item will be relocated elsewhere.
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Digging
  • Create monster

Targeting a creature or self

  • Invisibility
  • Speed
  • Slow
  • Polymorph - I'd recommend on testing with an item first.
  • Teleport
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Digging

Targeting an empty tile

  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Digging
  • Create monster

If no effect seen on creature or item

  • Wand of nothing


There are many stat changes you can go through. This is an uncomplete list, focusing on harmful intrinsics and their respective remedies.

  • Poisoned - Varies from mild to deadly. Cured with Cure potion, deity intervention. Will also fade eventually.
  • Aflame - Will fade eventually. Quenched by throwing bottle of water against an adjacent wall or creature.
  • Hardening - Cured with Acid potion, polymorphing self, or deity intervention.
  • Blind - Fades eventually.
  • Strangled - Equip water breathing item. Will fade eventually.
  • Bleeding - Remove item causing effect, dip in holy water if item is cursed.
  • Amnesic - Will fade quickly once soul sucker is killed.
  • Confused - Fades quickly.
  • Slow - Will fade eventually. Zapping self with wand of speed does not help.
  • Buried - Teleport or dig yourself out.
  • Deaf - Fades eventually.
  • Sensitive to Silver - Permanent intrinsic. Achieved by eating liches, daemons, ice daemons, Baezl'bub.
  • Sensitive to Gold - Fades quickly. Caused by Gold Beetles.