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Revision as of 13:47, 8 June 2018 by BrianIsCreative (talk | contribs) (Added trailer)
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Alpha Project
Developer BrianIsCreative
Theme Fantasy
Influences Dwarf Fortress, Guild Wars 2, For Honor, Street Fighter, The Legend of Zelda
Released May 20, 2018
Updated June 1, 2018
P. Language javascript
Platforms browser
Interface Keyboard
Game Length Open ended
Official site of FARA

FARA is a text-based roguelike that runs in a browser and has over 50 classes, a never-ending supply of dungeons, and countless secrets. The goal of the game is to collect enough Key Fragments to complete the Astral Key. Fragments can be found in many places - the depths of dangerous dungeons, the bottoms of lakes, or even in the pockets of unwitting strangers. Receiving a killing blow will destroy any collected fragments, and dying without any fragments will end the game. Most notable actions in the game add to a score, and when you die, your score is added to a persistent total that unlocks new options the next time you play. While combat may seem like the most straightforward path, it is far from the only way to save the world. The game is in alpha, and feedback is strongly desired: Reddit, Discord, Twitter.


  • Over 50 playable classes, each with a unique mechanics and secret abilities
  • An infinite number of settlements and towns, each in need of a hero
  • Plenty of activities to do outside of dungeons, like fishing, crafting, hunting, cooking, and dance battles
  • Runs in a browser, making it available on a wide array of operating systems