Rot.js tutorial, part 2

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This is the second part of a rot.js tutorial.


The Player Character

Time to make some interesting interactive shinies! First, the player needs a decent representation. It would be sufficient to use a plain JS object to represent the player, but it is generally more robust to define the player via its constructor function and instantialize it.

By this time, you probably got used to the fact that some variable names start with an underscore. This is a relatively common technique of marking them private. JavaScript does not offer true private variables, so this underscore-based nomenclature is just our useful way of marking stuff as "internal".

We would like to place the player to some spare floor tile: let's use exactly the same technique we used in Part 1 of this tutorial to place the boxes: just pick one free location from our list.

var Player = function(x, y) {
    this._x = x;
    this._y = y;

Player.prototype._draw = function() {
    Game.display.draw(this._x, this._y, "@");

Game.player = null;

Game._generateMap = function() {
    /* ...previous stuff... */

Game._createPlayer = function(freeCells) {
    var index = Math.floor(ROT.RNG.getUniform() * freeCells.length);
    var key = freeCells.splice(index, 1)[0];
    var parts = key.split(",");
    var x = parseInt(parts[0]);
    var y = parseInt(parts[1]);
    this.player = new Player(x, y);

Preparing the game turn engine

There will be two entities taking turns in our game: the Player Character and Pedro (The Enemy). To make things simple, these two will have the same speed, alternating their turns evenly. But even in this simple case, we can use the ROT.Engine timing framework to our advantage.

How does this work? After creating an instance of ROT.Engine, we feed it with all available actors. The engine will then automatically take care about proper turn scheduling and letting these actors perform their actions.

It is very important to embrace the fact that everything is asynchronous in the world of client-side JavaScript: there are basically no blocking calls. This eliminates the possibility of having a simple while loop as our main timing/scheduling instrument. Fortunately, the ROT.Engine is well prepared for this.

Creating the engine is just a matter of adding a few lines to our code:

Game.engine = null;

Game.init = function() {
    this.engine = new ROT.Engine();

Interaction between actors and the engine

There is a tight symbiotic relationship between the engine and its actors. When running, the engine repeatedly picks a proper actor from its queue (based on actor's speed) and calls the actor's act() method. Actors are allowed to interrupt this loop (when waiting asynchronously, for example) by calling ROT.Engine::lock and resume it (ROT.Engine::unlock).

It is possible to have multiple lock levels (the lock is recursive); this allows for complex chaining of asynchronous calls. Fortunately, this won't be needed in our simple game.

So, what is an actor? Any JS object with methods act and getSpeed.

Player.prototype.getSpeed = function() {
    return 100;
Player.prototype.act = function() {
    /* wait for user input; do stuff when user hits a key */
    window.addEventListener("keydown", this);

Player.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
    /* process user input */

And that's all for part 2. The whole working code is available at