Complete roguelike tutorial using C++ and libtcod - part 1: setting up

From RogueBasin
Revision as of 11:39, 26 September 2015 by Joel Pera (talk | contribs) (expanding →‎Introduction)
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This article is the first part of a series heavily inspired by Jotaf's excellent "Complete roguelike tutorial using python + libtcod".

It is intended for C++ beginners and people who want to learn how to use libtcod to create a simple roguelike video game. It covers both Linux and Windows operating systems.

The source code of this tutorial uses the C99 standard. That means that it won't compile out of the box on Visual Studio.

While an experienced C++ developer won't have much trouble to port the code to Visual Studio, if you're a C++ beginner, I strongly advise to use one of the suggested compilers/IDE.


Why C++ ?

While being often criticized for being complex, for lacking features or for failing to enforce a single programming style, C++ is still one of the most used languages. Here are a few reasons that make it still relevant :

  • the language itself is public domain. It's not owned by a private company like the more elegant java or C#
  • there are compilers that produce high-performance native binaries for almost any existing platform
  • it has a great compatibility with C, which makes it easy to use with C libraries like SDL

Pre-requisite : this tutorial does not replace a C++ manual. You're supposed to have a basic knowledge of the C++ syntax and object oriented programming.